Title: Way Back To You Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu, Yunho/Jaejoong Rating: PG Genre: Romance Length: Oneshot Summary: A pepero game and meddling friends lead Yoochun and Junsu back to each other.
Title: No trespassing (inspired by No Trespassing by Adam Lambert) Pairing: Yoosu Rating: PG-13 Genre: Supernatural Lenght: Drabble Summary: Junsu got a flat tire and the only town around has a no trespass sign.
Hide the Dead Body under the Bed Chaptered (1/?), PG-15 for now, Alternate Universe ~in which Yoochun is the new school physician and Junsu is the gym teacher. Fluff. Overall Drama. Romance. 2000w approx
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Title: blowing out candles Pairing: yoochun/junsu Rating: pg Genre: fluff Length: oneshot Summary: Everybody deserves to spend their special day with the person they love, so why can't he? Note: written for missyoosu's birthday and junsu's birthday as well! Thanks for the prompt and sorry for posting it late!
Based from tictac_girl804's prompt she sent me: First love. First kiss. First relationship. First date. First time holding hands. First ____. He took all my firsts.